SSH, which stands for Secure Shell, is a network protocol that allows users to operate computers and servers over the Internet. It provides a secure channel over a very unsecured network. SSH uses encryption to ensure that the traffic between two connected devices can not be interpreted. But first some History Overview The first version of the protocol - SSH-1, was designed by Tatu Ylönen....

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Emails are part of our daily routine and for many of us is the main tool of communication either for business, personal stuff, or both. Moreover, our email is our online identity, which is based on what we are and what we do on the web. A couple of months ago, my memory, which as every human memory is said to be able to fail in storage, codification, or retrieval, failed to retrieve my Gmail password....

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A couple posts ago, we saw how signals are handled by applications, containers and pods and how this is affected by container specific details. With this post as a starting point, I went down the rabbit hole of Bash shell commands, processes and signals. Bash - A Unix Shell The Bash (aka Bourne Again) Shell was developed by Brian Fox as a replacement for the Bourne Shell, which I guess is more known as the sh shell....

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I do not know why I picked The Rebel by Camus, I never know why I pick my books, but for sure it is one of the most challenging reads I have had for a long time. The challenges laid on the the concepts that were introduced and referenced, which I had to look up and digest....

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