This article is a small introduction in Node.js from a Java developer’s perspective, The purpose is to create an AWS Lambda Function to solve the problem described here: How I started with Serverless. The merits of AWS Lambda UI are beyond the scope of this tutorial. What is Node.js ? The formal definition of Node....

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The Serverless approach is gaining a lot of traction lately in the software industry. To explain it in simple terms, the reasoning is that you do not have to manage servers anymore, but you still need to develop the source code and deploy it in the cloud. Essentially it removes the need to:...

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Serverless is an execution model. I got started with Serverless while I was working with Cognito and came across the case described below. The problem I used Cognito as a user directory that provides sing up and sing in options for a mobile application. The setup of the user pool has the below characteristics:...

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Learning something new is always challenging. One of the difficulties I have, is to filter all the available information in order to reach a basic understanding. Heere are the steps I followed, in order to get started with Gradle for Java projects. Setting up a Hello World project Gradle provides the Build Init Plugin, which in turn provides tasks to bootstrap the process of creating a new Gradle build/project....

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